• "However we define this show, though, it makes a memorable experience, for children aged six and over. ‘I want to see it more!’ piped one girl, as the lights came up; and from young theatregoers, there’s no higher praise than that" - Joyce McMillan, The Scostman

  • "We have been enjoying some elegant dance played out in front of hi-tech video projections by Italy’s Compagnia TPO, when suddenly the focus shifts to the audience. On the way in, everyone has been given a woolly ball to pin to their chest – now they start to glow. We realise we are not merely observers in ‘the adventurous life of sheep in Iceland’, but participants: it’s a signal to bleat or wave or, for selected audience members, join the flock on stage to do battle with the Icelandic elements, from melting ice sheets to smouldering volcanoes" - Mark Fisher, The Guardian

  • "Great fun on multiple levels, and a love letter to the gift of our bodies’ senses, Kindur offers insights to participants of all ages" - Michelle Wang, Time Out Chigago

  • "If your heart lights up, your turn has come to join the group of sheep travelling through the mysterious and cold lands of Iceland" - Fabrizio Pecori, My Media


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"Kindur" in islandese significa "pecore" e questo è uno spettacolo dedicato all’Islanda vista attraverso gli occhi delle sue pecore avventurose. Tutto il territorio di quest’isola è pervaso da un’aura fiabesca, dal bianco dei ghiacciai all’aurora boreale, dai geyser al fragore di cascate gigantesche. Questo è un luogo dove ogni elemento naturale sembra animato da forze misteriose. Prendiamo le pecore: chiuse dentro all’ovile per la stagione fredda, possono poi gustarsi la piena libertà, viaggiando solitarie o a piccoli gruppi, dalla primavera all’autunno. Nella loro ricerca di cibo hanno modo di immergersi nella natura più remota e frequentarne gli abitanti "nascosti" come i troll o gli elfi. Nel loro cammino le pecore protagoniste di "Kindur" ci mostrano questo mondo segreto, forte e fragile allo stesso tempo, capace di comunicare ai bambini la straordinaria bellezza della natura.

Nello spettacolo seguiamo tre danzatrici che interpretano tre pecore, inoltre ciò che rende speciale l’esperienza, è che tutto il pubblico è invitato a far parte di un grande gregge ed entrare così nel punto di vista della pecora.

All’ingresso viene consegnato a ogni bambino un cuore speciale, un cuore di lana che si illumina invitandoci a partecipare attivamente. Alcune volte i bambini potranno entrare in scena in piccoli gruppi, altre volte tutti i cuori si accendono allo stesso tempo e questo significa che è possibile interagire direttamente dai proprio posti in platea con ciò che succede in palcoscenico.


In Icelandic ‘Kindur’ means ‘sheep’ and this is a show dedicated to Iceland seen through the eyes of its adventurous sheep. All the territory of this island is pervaded by a fairytale like atmosphere. From the white of its glaciers to northern lights, from geysers to the rumble of gigantic waterfalls, this is a country where every natural element seems animated by mysterious forces. Let’s take sheep: locked inside a pen for the cold season, they can then taste full freedom travelling by themselves or in small groups from spring to autumn. In their journey they have the opportunity to dip inside the remotest nature and visit its ‘hidden’ inhabitants, elves and trolls. In their journey the sheep protagonists of ‘Kindur’ show us this secret world, strong and fragile at the same time, capable of communicating children the extraordinary beauty of nature.

This story is told by three dancers who interpret three sheep. What makes the show special is that all the audience is invited to be part of a big flock of sheep.

At the entrance every child is given a special heart, it is a woollen heart that lights up when it is time to take an active part in the show. In some cases kids are invited on stage in small groups, at other times all the hearts light up at the same time and this means that it is possible to interact on the stage, together, from our seats.


En islandais, "Kindur" signifie "mouton". Ce spectacle est dédié à l’Islande vue à travers les yeux de ses moutons aventureux.Tout le territoire islandais est imprégné par une atmosphère féérique. Du blanc des ses glaciers aux lumières du Nord, des geysers aux grondements de ses cascades géantes, c’est un pays où chaque élément de la nature semble habité par des forces mystérieuses. Prenons les moutons: d’abord enfermés dans leur enclos pendant la période froide, ils peuvent ensuite profiter de leur liberté en voyageant seuls ou par petits groupes du printemps à l’automne. Dans leur quête de nourriture, ils peuvent se plonger dans les endroits les plus éloignés et visiter leurs habitants plus ou moins "cachés". Au cours de leur voyage, les moutons de "Kindur" nous dévoilent leur monde secret, à la fois fort et fragile, capables de communiquer aux enfants, l’extraordinaire beauté de la nature.

Cette histoire est racontée par trois danseuses qui interprètent trois moutons. Un spectacle étonnant et original où tout le public est appelé à faire partie d’un grand troupeau de moutons.

A l’entrée ,un coeur spécial est remis à chaque enfant. C’est un coeur en laine qui s’allume quand le temps pour chaque spectateur de participer arrive. Parfois, les enfants sont invités à monter sur scène en petits groupes, d’autres fois,tous les coeurs s’allument au même temps, il est alors possible d’interagir avec la scène directement tout en restant assis dans son fauteuil.


"Kindur" en islandés significa "oveja" y éste es un espectáculo dedicado a Islandia a través de los ojos de sus ovejas aventureras. Todo el territorio de esta isla está impregnado de un aura maravillosa. Del blanco de los glaciares a la aurora boreal, de los géiseres al fragor de las enormes cascadas, éste es un país donde todos los elementos naturales parecen animados por fuerzas misteriosas. Observemos a las ovejas: cerradas en el redil en invierno, pueden disfrutar de plena libertad, viajando en solitario o en pequeños grupos, desde la primavera hasta el otoño.
En su búsqueda de alimentos tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de la naturaleza más remota y codearse con los habitantes más o menos "ocultos". En su camino, las ovejas protagonistas de "Kindur" nos muestran este mundo secreto, fuerte y frágil al mismo tiempo, capaz de comunicar a los niños la extraordinaria belleza de la naturaleza.

En “Kindur” la historia es contada por tres bailarinas que interpretan a las ovejas. Pero lo que hace especial al espectáculo es que todo el público es invitado a formar parte de un gran rebaño de ovejas.

Al inicio del espectáculo, en la entrada, se reparte a cada niño/a un corazón especial, un corazón de lana que se enciende cuando llega el turno de participar activamente en el espectáculo. En algunas ocasiones los niños/as son invitados a subir al escenario en pequeños grupos, otras veces todos los corazones se encienden al mismo tiempo y esto significa que pueden interactuar con lo que está sucediendo en la escena, directamente desde las butacas donde están sentados.


compagnia TPO
in co-production with
Teatro Metastasio di Prato
  • artistic direction Francesco Gandi, Davide Venturini
  • choreography Anna Balducci, Erika Faccini, Paola Lattanzi
  • dance for three performers
  • visual design Elsa Mersi
  • sound design Spartaco Cortesi
  • computer engineering Rossano Monti, Martin Von Günten
  • costumes Fiamma Ciotti Farulli
  • props Livia Cortesi
  • collaboration on the concept Stefania Zampiga